20 parrot tricks that little Zeeby the parrotlet knows!

To learn how to teach some of these tricks check out the training tutorial playlist: https://goo.gl/7Q0v90

Blog: www.flock-talk.tumblr.com

If you have any comments, questions or concerns please shoot them my way!

Intro music :

    26 replies to "20 Fun Parrot Tricks"

    • Sir. Boris Animations


    • Anita Tamak

      I have my first pet parrot can you plz explain it

    • Srikant Vishwakarma

      Your parrot can fly but my tuition miss parrot don't fly why

    • Saanvi Sharma

      I got two parrots recently and I'm so excited to teach them these tricks … Must have taken lot of practice and effort

    • Tim O'Leary

      That is truly AMAZING!

    • Kakali Saha

      Awwww…. Your bird is so cute!

    • The Most Beautiful Belief

      Why my parrot is not like that

    • SAFWAN_x3

      i`m so proud of my bird he did the dead trick…

      he`s been on the ground for almost 3 hours now

    • love birds training and caring channel

      Can you please make one video on teaching this trick

    • Visesh Nair

      What bird is he/she?

    • Fun with Erina

      Which parrot is this

    • Maria Anagnostopoulos

      Awwww!! So cute! Bravo! Great work 🤩😍

    • അമ്പിളി

      Pls aplod video… Potty trining

    • Ashtami crafts

      How to train like this

    • Zion Nandan's Channel

      From what age can we train our birds? I have 56 days old Alexander Parakeet

    • Caleb Baker

      This bird is smarter then me

    • Life Vlog

      Ok I have a question. My gma used to take care of a budgie and he talks. We recently got him about 2 weeks ago and I want to teach him to talk. Will he only say what my grandma taught him? Or could I teach him words, too. I’ve heard that once a budgie learns words from a bond that’s the only person that they’ll learn from. Idk if that’s true tho. And by 2 weeks ago I mean I gained possession of him two weeks ago


      How long did it take you to train him?

    • Nithya Shivakumar

      Pls upload a video for, how to teach the parrot

    • Love Bird

      Which bird is this

    • Vjy Who

      Me with a parrot that just eats and screams

    • varsha's journey

      Pls make a video how to teach it pls

    • Ks Prakasha

      How much age is better for training

    • Rhys 123

      O ma gosh your parrotlet is so cute mine is a devil

    • Safa Syeda

      Woah those were some nice tricks lol

    • Alvin

      cute………but how

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