Pet parrot Roma loves to get products from packaging!
Pyrrhura parakeet is a cute and funny baby bird!

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    4 replies to "My pet pyrrhura parrot : Hard-to-get bread sticks"

    • Fritids Tur

      Green-cheeked parrots are common in aviculture and are popular companion parrots. They are playful, affectionate and intelligent, known as having a "big personality in a small body". They can learn to talk, albeit with a limited vocabulary and a gravelly voice.They like to be held (although some like it more than others) and can learn tricks such as lying on their backs, "kissing," shaking, hanging upside down and even can be potty trained. Green-cheeked parrots are not very loud at most times, so even an apartment dweller can enjoy their companionship.[11] They can be prone to biting, particularly when young, but an owner can cure this behavior with patience and time.

    • TheNorma

      Great video. Check out my channel too.

    • Zen O

      wow so amazing parrot 2x viewed

    • Peter Deli

      Hello Friend beautiful parrot very curious checking everything very smart birds and make great pets best wishes ❤️ 👍

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