Our pyrrhura parrot loves to play and fool around.
Roma Parrot gently pinches the ears. It flips upside down and hangs funny on a T-shirt like a bat!
The bird has a lot of funny jokes and tricks in reserve.
Thank you very much for views, comments and likes!
15 replies to "Pyrrhura pet parakeet bites. Green-cheeked conure pranks"
I have a monk parakeet. And a cockatiel. My cockatiel is about 21. They live a long time with veggies and exercise.
А кто ето кречит??
wonderfull!! great video. Very interesting movie. great sharing.
This parrot has such a big personality! Truly awesome! Such a strong bond! Loved watching! Best wishes, Mary and Harry 🎵 🎸😎🙏🎹
Когда-то у меня был попугай. Я знаю как больно они кусаются, если имеют серьезные намерения.
Забавный попугай!
Nice parrot :))
Интересное видео!!! Спасибо!!!
Very nice whole video – it was nice to see it all – thank you! Best wishes and all the best 🙂
Alone pleasant emotions. Wonderful
aww seems a naughty and playful parrot
Ale ona jest głośna 😜
Incredibly interesting. It is very nice to watch your authoring work. I wish you much success. Respectfully!
Добрый вечер ,такой классный 👍👍🌹🌹
Der Grünwangen-Rotschwanzsittich (Pyrrhura molinae), auch Molinasittich genannt, gehört zur Gattung der Rotschwanzsittiche (Pyrrhura) und kommt ursprünglich aus Südamerika, genauer aus dem Hochland im Osten von Bolivien und lebt dort in Wäldern und anderen Gebieten, die zumindest einen geringen Baumbestand aufweisen.