Sonic the Green Cheek Conure test flight. This is his first outdoor flight since we let him grow out his wings. He’s been doing short flights around the house flying from room to room. This little parrot was blown around with the slight wind, but he started getting the hang of it. Maroon Belly Conure, Small Parrot
10 replies to "Sonic – Free Flight Conure (Part 1)"
Awehhh! He looks exactly like my yellow sided greeny!!!!!!!!!!!!
He looks like a yellowsided Greeny, not maroon belly. I have both mutations 🙂 Great job on the training mate 🙂
@MsBirdMom flying the bird outside is what makes the owner feel good and entertained. just too risky. if you want a pet to take outdoors get a dog!! i read from one of the other commenters to get a flightsuit. that sounds good, but the hawk will attack both of you. believe me they are fearless…. i live out here in texas and see it every day. just keep them inside and love them as much as you can.
don't do it. i wish i never did it!!!!! i watched mine helplessley being eaten by a hawk and i never got over it. those hawks can fly 200 miles an hour. my poor bird was helpless. terrible death. eaten alive. i cried the whole time. i could do nothing to stop it. had him in the tree. please don't do it!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have an 8 month old green cheek conure that i've been toying with the idea of flying. I have absolutely no idea how to go about doing this but would love any advice you might be able to offer.
Yes. I trained him by using a special 'launch' perch that I made. Its operated via Remote Control. I would call his name over and over and then trigger the perch to jerk forward slightly. He would fly to me and I would reward him. After a few sessions, he got the idea and now comes when called. Someone should invent that.
Does your bird know how to fly back to you from it's perch? I'm currently flight training my GCC indoors, and it knows to fly to its perch, but is reluctant to fly back to your hand. Thanks for sharing the video!
What's the name of the song? o.O
It can be dangerous flying a bird outdoors. Wwe were in a secluded school lot after hours w/ no distractions. I also made sure to bring his favorite perch so that he had a familiar place to fly. Behind the camera is another familiar face, so he knew the right direction to head to. Don't try this on a busy street with unfamiliar surroundings. I do believe birds were made to fly and should spend some time using their wings. Some birds might need clipped wings if they aren't tame.
Get them very young. Different birds cling more than others. I had an African Grey that was a Free flight bird too. Green Cheek Conures are very clingy birds so they always want to hang out with it's owner. Can't say that would be true with Amazon Parrots. I'm not just throwing him around outside, I actually train him indoors to fly to his perch. You'll see that Perch in the video. Since he's familiar with the perch, being outdoors is not so strange. We were in a very quiet lot.